With 40+ years of industry knowledge and experience, Lang Contracting Co. Ltd. provides a unique and comprehensive service to home-buyers. The aim was and remains to design and implement creative custom homes, which reflect the taste and personality of each individual owner.
Lang Contracting Co. Ltd. was founded with the following mission, to build exceptional quality homes. We pride ourselves with offering exceptional service to our clients.
Christopher is a Realtor with Shackleton Realty and is your first step to the custom home of your dreams. Andrew is in charge of all the excavation needs throughout the build.
Over the years, We have assembled a team of tradesmen, and craftsmen united by shared passion for quality and workmanship. Their objective is to leave each visitor to one of their custom homes with a lasting impression.
To achieve this, Lang Contracting Co. Ltd. never compromises its core values: creativity and quality. The Lang family offers a comprehensive, one-stop service ~ from the sale of the property, through brainstorming with the owners about aesthetic and technically innovative solutions to the building process, through conceptualization and design to final implementation.
We have gained a reputation for outstanding creativity and superior craftsmanship by focusing on the finished product, an aesthetic whole that marries exterior curb appeal with breathtaking interiors. Floors, walls, ceilings, doors and trim creatively blended to create a harmony of colors, light and textures. The result is at the same time modern, functional and authentic.
Afterall the beauty of our surroundings greatly enhances our quality of life. They are thus dedicated to creating a home environment, which is both technically state of the art and a pleasure to behold.